There is many a warlord whose success in the World Torn Apart could have been predicted based on their bronze & fabled deeds throughout Akara. Of these, few stand as storied, or as blood-splattered, as Aweh, Who Conquered the World — a morg name whose flamboyant claims are more true than not.

In the deep twilight of the Kanuman Empire, it was Aweh who, at the behest of the Council of Jade & Progress, roamed with her warbands to harry star-raiders, free slaves, and destroy the fragile supply lines the Empire of Stars once so desperately relied upon. When the cities of the far north came from their jungles with poisons and secrets, Aweh’s wise eye failed not to suss out all sabotages nor failed to outsmart their powdered generals.


Come Torn and, serving the council again, Aweh was awarded for near thirty years of supreme bloodshed. They anointed her il-Sarrum of the Wandering Tower — a mobile outpost pulled by dozens of massive skarags that marks the sunless road between the other outposts, finding scavenger rings lost and laid low so that they may know sanctuary for a short time. Behold it as a feat of Akaran bronze age engineering, mounted on massive wheels that carve through orange grassed hills bloomed with alien fungi-trees, over borun slopes dappled in aurora, underneath the varicolored skies of the Sea of Myst by Ka’rum, and then back south, wrapping around the Core City Ruins to descend into the petrified Blightwoods, gem-studded lights dyeing their chitinous armors, their visors, Aweh standing atop the Tower forever watching the sunless horizon for aberration, for monstrosity, for phenomena unimaginable.

Unlike many, Aweh relies not on the spear but instead the shardblade. When drawn, it is a bronze fang edged in shardstone that burns with red-on-black shardlight as it cleaves through sentinel, scren, Impossibility, and sometimes Kanuman spies, sent by Khorax not for revenge but to take from her the Wandering Tower, who for the council is one of their foundation stones for establishing in Torn a regime unchallenged. In this way, Aweh’s life is a treasure not unlike the very freedom Tarnak once fought to secure. Ironic to somehow the battles that decided Akara’s history must be played out again in a World Torn Apart.

Learn more about Aweh and the Wandering Tower in our 2022 Kickstarter, Torn & Beyond!


SKÜLLBOX: Halloween Tricks


il-Sarrum Kwadwo