Scavenger sequel book announcement

Since we finished the Scavenger: Nomads of Uncharted Worlds PDF last year, we’ve been working diligently on our next Scavenger project. Today, we’re ready to announce the sequel to Scavenger, due out on Kickstarter next year:


Torn & Beyond is exactly as it sounds — a massive tome that details the unexplored regions of Torn, and opens up our Scavenger Multiverse: the Beyond.

Torn & Beyond is going to be a true epic. We’re looking to create not only a complete suite of adventure rules and locations throughout Torn and the Beyond, but we’re also going to be including generators for powerful alien creatures called Impossibilities, dozens of magical items including natural alien resources and powerful Zenith Artifacts, new character options such as the disturbing yet promising Radiant Evolutions, a complete 5th-20th level campaign dealing some of Scavenger’s deepest secrets, ways to run the book as one-shots with side characters, and more. Make no mistake, Torn & Beyond will not only be bigger than Scavenger, but it will also contain some of the wildest and insane ideas that we’ve ever had, distilled into an experience you’ll be able to find nowhere else.

Leading up to our eventual release, we’ll be doing frequent blog posts over on our website discussing the multitude of things you’ll find inside Torn & Beyond. We look forward to sharing these many ideas with you guys that will take the Scavenger setting to the next level.

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Vashtaar Island


🔻 SHARDCAST // EP1 // Scavenger Origins