TORN world map

Torn & Beyond is coming soon, and we’ve been working non-stop to have everything ready by the time we begin the Kickstarter. While we aren’t ready to announce a date yet, we are ready to show you the first updated map of Torn for the book. This map accounts for a possible 2-6 years of time in-world having passed since Scavenger was released. Because of this, not only are there new discoveries on the map, some expedition sites have also been renamed, a new outpost was built, and clues have been found alluding to the incomprehensible history of Torn.

Below is the re-annotated map, and a handful of explanations to whet your appetite for what’s to come.


  • Named Gateways. Three of the five Gateways remain locked, but certain clues in T&B point to what they could be. Note that the Fanged Fathoms gateway, located in the Chitinid Crest, has opened, though only ill flows through.

  • Ka’rum Outpost. This incomplete outpost is still small and ramshackle, but it's Stygian Serpent leader — il-Sarrum Drasil — has the vision and ambition needed to grow it into something more.

  • Lake Spectrum, Lake Namu, Anguish. These three bodies of water, composed of two lakes and a river —each have hyper-dimensional properties. Lake Spectrum is a child of the Impossibility-producing Sea of Myst, Lake Namu a massive watering hole for monstrosities, and Anguish a red-and-black river flowing from the Core City Ruins desert itself.

  • The Sea Unnamed. At the bottom of the map is an ocean uncrossable as the Sea of Myst, but more alien than even that unfathomable place. Find here naught but the annihilation of universes.

And what of Vestige? Or the renamed Skylight’s Tomb or Quiet Complex? To find out what’s at these insane places, you’ll have to check out Kickstarter, or stay up to date on our blog leading up to it — after all, we got a lot more to show off!


Idakhan and Marukh


The Covenant